Online databases

Our Gale databases support you with up-to-date full-text magazines, newspapers, journals, periodicals, videos and podcasts on a range of topics.  These are free for library members. You will need your library card number to access.

Access the databases

Databases on offer

Ōtorohanga District Library

+64 7 873 7175
[email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday - 10am - 12pm
Sunday - Closed

Kāwhia War Memorial Library

+64 7 871 0248
[email protected]

Opening Hours

Monday - Closed
Tuesday - 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday - 10.30am - 12pm
Thursday - Closed
Friday - 2pm - 4pm
Saturday - 10am - 12pm
Sunday - Closed