Keyword: #notifiedresourceconsents

Notified Consent - Morrison Road Forest Harvesting

The Ōtorohanga District Council has received resource consent application from Taumata Plantations Ltd to undertake harvesting of an existing plantation forest at Morrison Road, Aotea. The application has been limited notified.

   Added 2 years ago

RM220025 - Morrison Road Forest Harvesting

26 July 2022

Land use resource consent for Taumata Plantations Ltd to undertake earthworks and traffic generation activities in association with plantation forest harvesting activities on land at Morrison Road, Aotea was approved on 26 July 2022.

Decision and conditions of consent (pdf 246KB) 

The Ōtorohanga District Council has received resource consent application from Taumata Plantations Ltd to undertake harvesting of an existing plantation forest at Morrison Road, Aotea. The application has been limited notified. Only people directly served with the notice of application may lodge a submission.

The application is:

  1. To harvest an existing plantation forest involving:
    • Undertaking earthworks within the Coastal Policy Area
    • Undertaking earthworks within 100m of Category A and B Archaeological Sites
    • Traffic generation exceeding permitted activity volumes


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