Keyword: #stormwater

Stormwater and Flood Protection
Wai Marangai me te Ārai Waipuke

Council provides stormwater and flood protection systems that are designed to limit surface flooding and allow for the disposal of storm water and ground water. Here's what you need to know.

Storm Water Drainage Systems

Council provides stormwater drainage systems in Ōtorohanga and Kāwhia for limiting the potential for surface flooding that may occur in these communities.

Both the stormwater drainage and flood protection systems are designed to be effective in providing protection against most rainfall and flooding events.

They may not, however, provide absolute protection against the most severe events that could possibly occur.

The stormwater drainage systems are provided for the disposal of rainwater and groundwater from the communities. It is not to be used for disposal of wastewater or any other contaminated effluent or toxic materials.

Flood Pump Stations

A system of stopbanks and flood pump stations are provided in Ōtorohanga (with the support of the Waikato Regional Council) to reduce the potential for the Waipa River flooding the community.

When the Waipa River is at a high level, it is not possible for stormwater to flow out of Ōtorohanga by gravity, as it normally does.

In these circumstances, the flood pump stations at Mair Street, Huiputea Drive and Otewa Road are used to 'push' the stormwater out into the river.

For the pumps to operate, the water levels inside the adjacent ponding areas must first rise. Residents should not be concerned about these higher water levels.

Stormwater connections

To apply for a stormwater connection you will need to fill out an application. 

The Regional Infrastructure Technical Specification (RITS) is a document that sets out how to design and construct transportation, water supply, wastewater, stormwater and landscaping infrastructure in the participating councils’ areas.


Stormwater Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stormwater Network ConnectionFee (incl GST)
Application fee$360.00
Connection Costs (domestic, commercial, industrial)Fixed price quote to be provided by Council-approved contractor
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