I want to make a payment by....
What can be paid with Automatic Payment?
- Rates
- Water Rates
Rates by Internet Banking
Most banks are set up for this and know our bank account number and the required format for information. If you have any problems or your bank does not hold our bank account number, please see following:
Bank Name: Ōtorohanga District Council
Branch: Ōtorohanga
Bank Account Number: 02 0392 0018241 00
Internet Banking Reference
Make sure you include all the necessary information. For example:
Particulars: Rates
Code: 0565099999 (valuation number)
Reference: A Smith
We cannot accept: A Smith $300.00
No agreement will be entered into for these methods of payment as it is up to the individual to monitor their rate account - penalties will apply if the account is not paid by the penalty date.
What can be paid with Automatic Payment?
- Rates
- Water Rates
Rates Automatic Payments
Please contact your bank to organise payment for your Rate Account.
When you are setting up a rate payment, you need to tell your bank your rate valuation reference number, from the top right-hand corner of your rates assessment. If you have more than one property you need to advise your bank of each rate reference number.
No agreement will be entered into for these methods of payment as it is up to the individual to monitor their rate account - penalties will apply if the account is not paid by the penalty date.
Selling Your Property with an Automatic Payment in Place
If you sell your property you need to contact your bank to cancel your automatic payment.
If you sell your property and purchase another within the District, you need to contact your bank and make sure that the bank has your new rate reference number(s) as this refers to the property, not the person. This is really important because if this is not done payments will continue to be credited to your previous (sold) property rates rather than the current property.
We take no responsibility for payments credited to rate accounts in error.
What can be paid with Direct Debit?
- Rates
- Water Rates
Rates by Direct Debit
With direct debit, you can pay your rates by weekly, fortnightly, monthly or on the due date.
Advantages include:
- You may not have to pay bank fees - check with your bank
- You won't get late payment penalties
- Payment amounts are reviewed annually so you don’t need to check if payments need to be altered
Payments come directly out of your bank account and are transferred to your rate account. Your bank may charge you a fee for setting up the direct debit or per transaction. You will need to check with your bank about this.
We will send you an instalment notice of your rate account. This is for your information only, you do not need to pay on this as your direct debit will cover the payments.
The amount of your direct debit may change after the rates are struck for the new rating year, or if a payment is missed. You will be notified in writing at least 10 days before this takes effect.
Water Rates by Direct Debit
If you choose to pay by direct debit you have the option to pay your water off over the year.
For Ōtorohanga residential/commercial properties with water meters you will receive quarterly water accounts.
- Meters are read March, June, September, December each year, with payment due last Friday of the following month.
For rural districts and Kāwhia with water meters, you will receive bi-annual water accounts.
- Meters are read May and November each year with payment due last Friday of the following month.
Important Notes
Setting Up New Direct Debit Agreements
Setting up a direct debit agreement:
- Fill in a Direct Debit Agreement form by clicking here.
- Complete it, sign it, and either bring it into the Office or mail it back to us. If you printed it please return both pages
- We will send you a confirmation letter when we have processed your agreement
- The letter will include the amount to be direct-debited, the start date and frequency
Changing Bank Account Details
A new form needs to be completed each time there is a change to the bank account, whether it is a complete change of account or just a suffix. Contact us with the new details, and we will complete the form and send it out for you to sign and return.
Contact us with the new details, and we will complete the form and send it out for you to sign and return.
Please note, all new forms must be returned to us, not your bank. If you have returned your form to your bank, please contact them and ask them to forward to Council for actioning
Cancelling Direct Debit Agreements
You must allow us two days notice to cancel your direct debit. You will also need to advise your bank. Call us and we can arrange the cancellation over the phone.
Sale of Properties - Transferring Direct Debits
Direct debit agreements are property-specific and cannot be transferred to other properties.
If you move or sell your house, you will need to cancel your existing agreement and complete a new direct debit agreement form. Contact us to do this.
You will need to notify your lawyer as well as we cannot action the new agreement until we are formally notified of the change of ownership.
What can be paid with Credit Card?
- Rates
- Water Rates
About Credit Card Payments
- Ōtorohanga District Council charges a surcharge of 1.00% per transaction for this service.
- There is a minimum service fee of $1.00. You should check with your card issuer for details about fees or changes that may also apply as this credit card transaction is carried out in terms of their arrangement between you and your card issuer.
- All overpayments or incorrect payments made from your credit card will be refunded to your nominated bank account on a mutually agreed date.
- The name that will appear on your statement will be "Ōtorohanga District Council".
Rates by Credit Card
Please note you will need to remove the dash from the valuation number when entering it into the valuation field.
What can be paid in Person?
- You can pay for all council services in person at the Ōtorohanga District Council office - 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm.
Eftpos and cash payments will be accepted at the Ōtorohanga District Council office - 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am - 4pm. Please ensure you retain your receipt. Please do not post cash.
NOT Credit Card
We can not accept credit card payments in person. If you want to pay by credit card you need to do this using our online services.
You can pay your rates in full at any time. However, to avoid the 10% penalty, you will need to ensure payment is made before the 1st instalment due date.
Rates are payable in 2 equal instalments. You will receive two rates accounts. If your payment is late, a 10% penalty will be applied.
If you pay the full amount of your rates by the first instalment penalty date:
- you will avoid the 10% penalty for each instalment
- you will not need to worry about the rates account for the remainder of the year
- if you qualify for the rate rebate this will be credited to your nominated bank account