Keyword: #feesandcharges

Fees & Charges
Ngā Utu

Here you'll find a list of fees and charges for Council services and facilities.

Building Control Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Building ControlFee (incl GST)
Record of Title Search
Required for all Building Consent applications$25.00
Code Compliance Certificate
Note: Receive and process application, issue Code Compliance Certificate (fee on all Consents)
Any additional inspection necessary to approve Certificate$110.00 plus travel
PIM - Project Information Memorandum
Less than $20,000$100.00
$20,000 to $300,000$200.00
Over $300,000$400.00
Building Consents by Project CategoryFee (incl GST)
Note: Cost includes PIM
Minor Works
Note: Rural area add travel for 1 inspection
Solid Fuel Heaters$500.00
Garden Sheds$450.00
Installation of Basic Warning System$450.00
Plumbing and Drainage$450.00
Minor Building Work
Note: Rural area add travel for 2 inspections
Para Pools & Equivalent Type Pools$600.00
Decks and Pergolas$600.00
Exemption from building consent$220.00
Other Buildings
Note: Rural area add travel for 2 inspections
Hay Barns$750.00
Implement Sheds$750.00
Concrete Swimming Pools$750.00
Note: Rural area add travel for 3 inspections
Detached habitable buildings with no plumbing & drainage
Note: Rural area add travel for 3 inspections
Sleepouts, Office, Studio, small additions up to 30m2$1,000.00
Small Additions or alterations up to 30m2 with no plumbing & drainage$1,200.00
Residential - Alterations and additions over 30m2 with no plumbing & drainage$1,400.00
Commercial - Alterations and additions over 30m2 with no plumbing & drainage$2,500.00
Detached habitable buildings with plumbing/drainage
Note: Rural area add travel for 5 inspections
Sleepouts with Toilet/Shower$1,350.00
Small Additions or alterations up to 30m2 with plumbing & drainage$1,350.00
Other Additions
Note: For work over 60m2, dwelling, commercial and industrial fees apply
Additions between 30 & 60m2 (Rural area add travel for 4 inspections)$1,800.00
Implement shed over 110m2 (Rural area add travel for 5 inspections)$1,450.00
Dairy Sheds (Rural area add travel for 5 inspections)$3,000.00
Resited Dwellings
Resited Dwellings (Rural area add travel for 5 inspections)$2,400.00
Single storey dwellings up to 100m2 (Rural area add travel for 8 inspections)$2,800.00
Single storey dwellings up to 200m2 (Rural area add travel for 8 inspections)$3,000.00
Single storey dwellings in excess of 200m2 (Rural area add travel for 9 inspections)$3,400.00
Dwellings two storey or more up to 200m2 (Rural area add travel for 9 inspections)$3,600.00
Dwellings two storey or more over 200m2 (Rural area add travel for 10 inspections)$4,000.00
Small commercial/industrial buildings up to 300m2 (Rural area add travel for 9 inspections)$3,500.00
Commercial/industrial buildings in excess of 300m2 (Rural area add travel for 10 inspections)$5,000.00
Commercial/industrial projects in excess of 500m2Actual Cost (quoted cost)
Report on Buildings to be Relocated - inspection and report$400.00 plus travel costs
Travel costs
Note: Inclusive of staff time
Applies to building consents in excess of 5km from Ōtorohanga$3.50 per km each way
A flat rate will be charged with any building work in Kāwhia$155.00 per trip
A flat rate will be charged with any building work in Ōtorohanga$50.00 per trip
Extra Inspections
Where an inspection is requested but the project is not ready fails inspection (plus travel costs)$160.00
Inspection of buildings for compliance with Section 224(f) Resource Management Act 1991 - per inspection$250.00
Code Compliance Certificate for each additional inspection necessary to obtain compliance (plus travel) - per inspection$160.00
Extension of time
Extension of time for which building consent is valid - max 2 extensions of 6 months each$100.00
Swimming Pools
Inspections of existing swimming pool fences (plus travel) - per inspection$200.00
Minor variation$100.00
Major variation$200.00
Building Levies
MBIE Levy$1.75 per $1,000.00
BRANZ Levy$1.00 per $1,000.00
BCA Accreditation Levy - per consent$50.00
Application for Certificate of Acceptance
Note: Also liable for all fees that would have been charged if consent had been obtained before building work commenced
Application for Certificate of Acceptance$500.00
per Inspection$160.00
Application for Certificate of Public Use
Application for Certificate of Public Use$500.00
per Inspection$160.00
Notice to Fix
Notice to Fix$500.00
per inspection$160.00
District Plan Check
Consent Application reviewed for compliance with District Plan$150.00
Section 71 and Section 77 Building Act 2004
Preparation, signing and registration of Notices and Certificates charged at actual cost$500.00 deposit *
Cancellation of Building Consent
Upon cancellation of a building consent that has been approved Council will refund all fees less 50% of the Building Consent feeper consent
Building Consent Information
Building Consent Information - Others$307.000 per year
External Consultant Fees
When external consultants are engaged to peer review Consent applications the applicant will be charged the actual cost for those servicesActual Cost
Compliance Schedule
Audit Compliance Schedule$200.00
Issue new Compliance Schedule and Compliance Schedule Statement$300.00
Amend Compliance Schedule$300.00
Electronic Submission and Processing
Fees and charges associated with on-line / electronic lodgment and processing of building consents via a third-party building consent platform Actual fees levied by any third-party provider

Cemeteries Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Ōtorohanga & Kāwhia CemeteriesFee (incl GST)
Ash Wall and Ash Berm$385.00
Interment - Sexton Fees
Extra Depth$2,000.00
Child 11yrs and under$500.00
Ash Wall (Including Council installation of plaque and interment)$360.00
Ash Wall (Including own installation of plaque and interment)$180.00
Extract from cemetery plans and recordsNil

Dog Control Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Dog Registration FeesFee (incl GST)
Note: According to Section 37 of the Dog Control Act 1996
Note: Dog registration fees for the year are payable from 1 July in respect of all dogs ages 3 months or over, based on existing fees.
Note: Dogs not registered by 1 August will incur an additional 50% registration fee.
Note: Registration and replacement tags are supplied free of charge.
Urban Dogs
Urban Dogs$162.00
Urban plus Neutered Dogs$127.00
Urban plus Special Owner Dogs$127.00
Urban Special Owner plus Neutered$70.00
Rural Dogs
Rural Dogs$70.00
Dog Collars
Impounded DogsFee (incl GST)
Note: Impounded dogs will only be released between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm Monday to Friday once all fees are paid in full.
Note: No releases will be made on Saturday, Sunday or public holidays.
Note: As authorised under the Dog Control Act 1996
Note: Charges will apply for dogs uplifted for barking complaints, threatening public safety, non-registration or any other purpose.
Pound Fees
Seizure fee (per dog)$60.00
Poundage fee (per dog)$60.00
Additional poundage fee for second and subsequent impoundings (per dog)$70.00
Sustenance fee (per dog per day or part thereof)$18.00
Surrender disposal fee (in addition to applicable impounding charges and sustenance)$80.00
Notification fee$50.00

Finance and Administration Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Printing and PhotocopyingFee (incl GST)
Note: Raster plots are clearer as they are solid graphics like topographical maps or aerial photography, whereas vector data is only line work and text and therefore uses considerably less ink.
GIS Plans
For custom maps, the IS Officers time is charged (per hour)Actual costs
Raster Data
A4 (210 x 297)$10.50
A3 (420 x 297)$12.50
A2 (420 x 594)$15.50
A1 (840 x 594)$31.00
Vector Data
A4 (210 x 297)$7.00
A3 (420 x 297)$8.00
A2 (420 x 594)$15.50
A1 (840 x 594)$20.50
PhotocopyingFee (incl GST)
Note: Own Paper less 2c per copy, Staff/Schools/Clubs less 25%, Large Volumes by negotiation, Cash only under $50.
Single 5
A4 White$0.40
A3 White$0.60
A4 Coloured$1.00
Single >5
A4 White$0.35
A3 White$0.50
A4 Coloured$0.80
Double Sided 5
A4 White$0.60
A3 White$0.80
A4 Coloured$1.50
Double Sided >5
A4 White$0.50
A3 White$0.70
A4 Coloured$1.25
Land Information MemorandumFee (incl GST)
Application Fee$330.00
Urgent Fee - within 5 working days (Additional)$130.00
Any follow-up work as a result of a LIMActual costs
Legal DocumentsFee (incl GST)
Preparation of Leases and Licences of Council land - Standard Fee (plus actual disbursement costs i.e. any advertising fees)$205.00
Preparation of Leases and Licences of Council land - renewal (Standard Fee)$155.00
Sealing Fee per set of documents$35.00
Title Search - Standard (per document, plus disbursements)$25.00
Title Search - Complex (per document, plus disbursements)$25.00
Search Fee for Complex Title Search Staff Time (per hour)Actual costs
Rating InformationFee (incl GST)
Road/ Street index$510.00
Written confirmation of individual property information and requisitions$50.00
Verbal information on properties to the owner, occupier or their representativesNil

Food Premises Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

All Registration TypesFee (incl GST)
All Administration & Verification Activities
Note: including pre-registration assistance, annual audit/verification, reporting, non-conformance visits and any activity not specified in the schedule below.
Within Ōtorohanga District$165.00 per hour, plus $1.20 per km
Outside Ōtorohanga District$220.00 per, hour plus $1.20 per km
Cancellation of scheduled verification (audit) within 24 hours OR key personnel not available for the verification.$165.00
Copies of Food Control Plan folder and documents$25.00
Food Control Plans
Note: plus hourly rate after first hour
Application for Registration of a template Food Control Plan$410.00
Application for Renewal of registration of a template Food Control Plan $320.00
Application for a Significant Amendment [section 45(3)] of registration of template Food Control Plan, OR move from Food Control Plan to National Programme during registration year.$150.00
Application for a Minor Amendment [section 45(2)] of registration of template Food Control Plan$75.00
Voluntary Suspension of Food Control Plan$85.00
National Programmes
Note: plus hourly rate after first hour
Application for Registration of National Programme$410.00
Application for Renewal of registration of National Programme$320.00
Application for a Significant Amendment [section 81] of registration of National Programme, OR move from National Programme to Food Control Plan during the registration period.$150.00
Voluntary Suspension of National Programme$85.00
Compliance Monitoring
Issue of Improvement Notice, OR Review of an Improvement Notice$150.00
Application for Statement of Compliance$150.00
General Inspection Fee$150.00

Kāwhia Wharf Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Kāwhia WharfFee (incl GST)
Shed Rentals
Taharoa Steel$1,375.00
Other Sheds$1,125.00
Power ChargeActual costs
Taharoa Steel$6,250.00
Other Permanent Users$1,000.00
Casual$52.00 per day

Kerb and Footpath Crossing Bonds Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Kerb and Footpath Crossing BondsFee (incl GST)
A deposit toward the cost of reinstatement of road carriageway or berm, from damage caused by building works$2,000.00
A deposit toward the cost of construction of a new kerb crossing (adjusted at completion of work to actual cost)$2,000.00
A bond where a new or upgraded vehicle entrance will be installed by a pre-approved Contractor directly by the owner.$2,000.00

Library Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Library FeesFee (incl GST)
Gold Card
Free recent release fiction, magazines, general fiction, non-fiction, children's books, large print (per card)$45.00
Renewal - Recent release fiction and selected popular non-fiction (per renewal)$2.00
Renewal - New magazines (per renewal)$1.00
Overdue charges (per day after 3 weeks)$0.00
Replacement card$0.00
Standard Card
Note: Free fiction, non-fiction, large print, children's books
Recent release fiction (All issues - per book)$2.00
Renewal - Recent release fiction (per book)$2.00
New Magazines (6 months only - per magazine) $1.00
Renewal - New Magazines (per magazine)$1.00
Renewal - Magazines (per magazine)$1.00
Overdue Charges - Adult (per day after 3 weeks)$0.00
Other Fees & Charges
Sale of Books (per book)$0.50 - $2.00
Lost Books (Cost)Replacement cost
Lost Book handling$2.00
A3 Photocopying black and white (per side)$0.30
A3 Photocopying colour (per side)$1.00
A4 Photocopying black and white (per side)$0.20
A4 Photocopying colour (per side)$0.50
DVDs per DVD (per week)$2.50
Out of District Membership Fee (per annum)$40.00
Rural book delivery (per delivery)$10.00
Laminating (per A4 sheet)$2.00
Library bags (per bag)$3.00
APNK Computers - Chrome stations and chrome books (30 minute session)Free
Document scanningFree
Programmes Room
Use by Community GroupsFree
3D Printing - Service Fee$2.00
Filament - ABS, PLA, PLA+ - per gram$0.20
Vinyl Cutting (10cm length) Gloss$2.00
Vinyl Cutting (10cm length) Clear$2.00
Vinyl Cutting (10cm length) Paper$2.00
Vinyl Cutting (10cm length) Phototex$3.00
Vinyl Cutting (10cm length) Heat Transfer Vinyl$6.00
Sewing MachineFree
Kits - (tech / dementia / home maintenance / STEM)Free

Licences Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

LicencesFee (incl GST)
Amusement Devices
Permit Fees - First Device$11.25
Permit Fees - Each additional device$2.30
For each device for each further period of 7 days$1.15
Camping Grounds
Initial registration - Initial inspection and interview to check compliance with Camping Ground Regulations$300.00 plus apportioned annual fee or $100, whichever is greater
Renewal Annual Fee$340.00
Funeral Directors
Initial registration - Initial registration and interview to check compliance $300.00 plus apportioned annual fee or $100, whichever is greater
Renewal Annual Fee$210.00
Initial registration - Initial registration and interview to check compliance$300.00 plus apportioned annual fee or $100, whichever is greater
Renewal Annual Fee$340.00
Trading in a Public Place - Mobile or Temporary Trading
Mobile Trading (e.g. food trucks), Hawkers, Buskers, Stalls, Footpath Displays - Annual Permit per site$350.00
Mobile Trading (e.g. food trucks), Hawkers, Buskers, Stalls, Footpath Displays - Temporary Permit for 3 months per location$150.00
Offensive Trades
Initial registration - Initial registration and interview to check compliance$300.00 plus apportioned annual fee or $100, whichever is greater
Renewal annual fee $340.00
Initial registration - Initial registration and interview to check compliance$300.00 plus apportioned annual fee or $100, whichever is greater
Renewal annual fee$210.00

Liquor Licensing Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

On, off and club licensesFee (incl GST)
Application Fee
Very low$368.00
Very High$1,207.50
Annual Fee
Very Low$161.00
Very High$1,437.50
Special Licence ClassFee (incl GST)
Class 1$575.00
Class 2$207.00
Class 3$63.25
Managers Certificates$316.25
Application for Temporary Authority$296.70

Refuse and Recycling Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Refuse and Recycling Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Paper (No food)Free

Refuse and Recycling Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Cardboard (No food / flattened)Free

Refuse and Recycling Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Paper (No food)Free

Refuse and Recycling Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Cardboard (No food / flattened)Free
Ōtorohanga Community Recycling CentreFee (incl GST)
Recycling (Sorted)
Plastic Milk Bottles, Soft Drink 1, 2 & 5, Steel Cans and Aliminium Cans (Washed and squashed)Free
Glass - Bottles/Jars Only (Washed)Free
Scrap MetalFree
Lead-Acid battery (Each)$5.00
LPG Bottles - must be degassed (Each)$10.00
Computer (Each)$15.00
Electric motor (Each)$10.00
Clean reusable timberFree
Firewood timber (Trailer)$10.00
Car tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$6.00
4x4tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$9.00
Truck tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$20.00
Recycling Crate
Replacement Recycling Crate $20.00
Cleanfill / Greenwaste
Cleanfill / Greenwaste - no weeds or flax (per m3)$30.00
Standard bag (Each)$3.00
Large bag (Each)$5.00
Car boot (Per load)$10.00
6 x 4 trailer / ute (Per load)$30.00
Other (Per m3)$30.00
Refuse (Per m3)$45.00
Official bag (Each)Free
Standard bag (Each)$4.00
Large bag (Each)$7.00
Whiteware - must be degassed (Each)$10.00
Television (Each)$25.00
Video recorder (Each)$5.00
Toaster/ kettle (Each)$5.00
Timber (Per m3 load)$55.00
Kāwhia Community Recycling CentreFee (incl GST)
Recycling (Sorted)
Plastic Milk Bottles, Soft Drink 1, 2 & 5, Steel Cans and Aliminium Cans (Washed and squashed)Free
Glass - Bottles/Jars Only (Washed)Free
Scrap MetalFree
Lead-Acid battery$5.00
LPG Bottles - must be degassed (Each)$10.00
Computer (Each)$15.00
Electric motor (Each)$10.00
Clean reusable timberFree
Firewood timber (Trailer)$10.00
Car tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$6.00
4x4 tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$9.00
Truck tyres - must be de-rimmed (Each)$20.00
Recycling Crate
Replacement Recycling Crate$20.00
Cleanfill / Greenwaste
Cleanfill / Greenwaste - no weeds or flax (Per m3)$30.00
Standard bag (Each)$3.00
Large bag (Each)$5.00
Car boot (Per load)$10.00
6 x 4 trailer / ute (Per load)$30.00
Other (Per m3)$30.00
Refuse (Per m3)$45.00
Official bag (Each)Free
Standard bag (Each)$4.00
Large bag (Each)$7.00
Whiteware - must be degassed (Each)$10.00
Television (Each)$25.00
Video recorder (Each)$5.00
Toaster/ kettle (Each)$5.00
Timber (Per m3 load)$55.00

Resource Management Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Resource ManagementFee (incl GST)
Note: All the deposits and specified amounts are payable in advance.
Note: According to Section 36(7) of the Resource Management Act 1991, Council may not be taking action relating to a charge until that charge has been paid to it in full.
Note: An additional charge may be required under Section 36(3) where the set charge is inadequate to enable Council to recover its actual and reasonable costs relating to any particular application.
Note: Deposits made will be non-refundable and do not include GST.
External Consultants Fees
When external consultants are engaged to review Consent applications the applicant will be charged the actual costs of these services.Actual Cost
Application for Change to District PlanFee (incl GST)
Deposit payable on receipt of the application with the balance of Council's costs recoverable on an actual and reasonable basis$50000 deposit *
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Notified and Limited Notification Applications
Note: This category includes Controlled activities, Restricted Discretionary and Discretionary activities, Non-complying activities, Extension of consent periods (Section 125), and Change or cancellation of consent conditions (Section 127).
Note: Deposit payable on receipt of the application with the balance of Council's costs recoverable on an actual and reasonable basis
Notified Application (Landuse and Subdivision)$10,000.00 deposit *
Limited Notification Application (Landuse and Subdivision)$5,000.00 deposit *
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Hearings Committee
Note: In addition to staff time, a charge shall be payable by the applicant for the cost of convening a Hearings Committee meeting and for any site visit by the Hearings Committee
Hearings CommitteeActual Time
Non-Notified Application for Resource Consent (Land Use)Fee (incl GST)
Note: This category includes Controlled activities, Restricted Discretionary and Discretionary activities, Change or cancellation of consent conditions (Section 127), and Relocatable dwellings.
Non-Notified Application for Resource Consent (Land Use)$1,200.00 deposit *
Non-complying activities$1,500.00 deposit *
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Application for permitted boundary activity (Section 87AAB Resource Management Act)$450.00
In the case of Land Use consents, an additional fee to apply at the time of issuing the consent to cover the cost of ongoing monitoring$400.00
Non-Notified Application for Resource Consent (Subdivision)Fee (incl GST)
Note: This category includes Controlled activities, Restricted Discretionary and Discretionary activities, Change or cancellation of consent conditions (Section 127).
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Change or Cancellation of Consent Notice including Preparation of Document (Section 221)$1,200.00
Subdivision to Create One Additional Lot
Subdivision to Create One additional Lot - Boundary Relocation or Adjustment involving up to Three Existing Titles$1,500.00 deposit *
Non-complying activities$1,800.00 deposit *
Subdivision to Create Two or More Additional Lots
Subdivision to Create Two or more additional Lots - Boundary Relocation or Adjustment involving Four or more Existing Titles$2,200.00 deposit *
Non-complying activities$2,500.00 deposit *
Designations And Notices of RequirementsFee (incl GST)
Receipt of a designation or notice of requirement with the balance of Council's costs recoverable on an actual and reasonable basis$2,500.00 deposit *
Outline Plan Application (Section 176A)500.00 deposit *
Application to Waive the Requirement for an Outline Plan (Minor Works only) (Section 176A)$200.00 *
Application to do anything to land that is subject to a Designation (Section 176(1)b)$330.00 deposit *
Request to the Requiring Authority responsible for an earlier designation (Section 177)$330.00 deposit *
Application to do anything that would prevent or hinder the public work or project (Section 178)$330.00 deposit *
Transfer of rights and responsibilities for a Designation (Section 180)$330.00 deposit *
Requirement for Alteration of a Designation (Section 181)$1,200.00 deposit *
Removal of a designation (Section 182(2))$700.00 deposit *
Application to extend the life of a Designation (section 184 and 184A)$700.00 deposit *
The balance of Council's costs recoverable on an actual and reasonable basisActual Time
Heritage OrdersFee (incl GST)
Receipt of a Heritage Order or notice of requirement with the balance of Council's costs recoverable on an actual and reasonable basis. (Section 189)$1,200.00 deposit *
Application to do anything which would wholly or partly nullify the effect of a Heritage Order (Section 193)$500.00 deposit *
Removal of a Heritage Order (Section 196)$1,200.00 deposit *
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Other Resource Management Act ApprovalsFee (incl GST)
Preparation and signing of any Bond (except relocatable Bond) covenant, legal document or variation thereto required as a condition of consent (Section 108, 109) or application to vary or extend the time in respect of any bond, covenant or consent notice under Section 108 or 109 including preparation of documents.$550.00 deposit *
Bond discharges (except cash relocatable bonds)$320.00 standard fee *
Relocatable BuildingsFee (incl GST)
Bond Preparation Fee$210.00
Partial Bond Refunds$210.00
Application for an extension of time to complete works (Section 109(4))$200.00 deposit *
Renewal of Resource Consent (section 124(b))500.00 deposit *
Application for Extension of Consent Periods for Non-Notified Resource Consents (Section 125 and 126)$700.00 deposit *
Application for Certificate of Compliance and Application for Existing Use Certificate (Section 139)$1,200.00 deposit *
Application to extend the period specified to carry out and complete work subject to a bond (Section 222(2))$500.00 deposit *
Application for a Section 224 certificate Completion of subdivision conditions$700.00 deposit *
Application for a Section 226(e) certificate Allotment in accordance with requirement of District Plan1,200.00 deposit *
Cancellation of amalgamation condition (Section 241)$550.00 deposit *
Staff time will be calculated at an hourly rateActual Time
Removal of Building Line Restriction (Section 327A Local Government Act 1974)$550.00 deposit *
Easement approvals and revocation (Section 348 Local Government Act 1974)$700.00 deposit *
Infringement FeesFee (incl GST)
Contravention of Section 9 (restrictions to used of land)$550.00 standard fee *
Contravention of abatement notice (but not under Section 322(1)(c))$800.00 standard fee *
Contravention of an excessive noise direction$700.00 standard fee *
Contravention of an abatement notices about unreasonable noise$700.00 standard fee *

Sewer Connection Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Sewer ConnectionFee (incl GST)
Note: Connections into Councils reticulation can be made by other approved contractors subject to Councils terms and conditions.
Note: In these cases, the applicant is liable for the application fee and capital contribution (if applicable) only.
Within Ōtorohanga Community
Application Fee$360.00
ConnectionFixed price quote to be provided by Council approved contractor
Outside Ōtorohanga Community
Application Fee$195.00
Capital Contribution$1,590.00
Disconnection / ReconnectionPrice on Application

Stock Control Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stock ControlFee (incl GST)
Pound Fees
Note: Impounded stock will only be released from the pound between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday on full payment of all fees. No releases to be made on Saturdays, Sundays or public holidays
For every horse, mare, gelding, colt, filly or foal$50.00
For every mule or ass$50.00
For every bull above the age of 9 months (per head up to 6 head)$50.00
For every bull above the age of 9 months (for every head over 6 head)$22.00
For every ox, cow, steer, heifer or calf (per head up to 6 head)$40.00
For every ox, cow, steer, heifer or calf (for every head over 6 head)$22.00
For every stag above the age of 9 months$50.00
For all other deer$40.00
For every ram above the age of four months$16.00
For every ewe, wether or lamb$11.00
For every goat$11.00
For every boar$45.00
For all other pigs$45.00
Notification Advertisement
In addition to the above fees and to be considered part of the poundage fee, where applicable, a notification fee of a newspaper circulating in the local authority district$60.00
Repeated Impounding
Where stock, not necessarily the same animal, but owned by the same person is impounded on a second or subsequent occasion, the Poundage fee hall be twice that charged on the initial impounding.Double initial impounding fee
Sustenance fees shall be payable by the owner of impounded stock sufficient to reimburse the Council for all actual and reasonable costs incurred in the sustenance of the stock provided that no such fee shall be less than (per head of stock per day)$8.00
Driving Charges
In the case of any stock found trespassing, straying or wandering on any road, the owner shall pay to the Council all actual and reasonable costs incurred in loading, driving or conveying the stock from the place where it is found to the nearest poundActual Costs
TrespassingFee (incl GST)
Trespass on any paddock of grass or stubble
For every horse, cattle, beast, deer, ass or mule (per day)$3.00
For every sheep (per day)$1.00
For every pig or goat (per day)$6.00
Trespass on any land bearing any growing crop or from which the crop has not been removed, or in any reserve, cemetery or burial ground
For every horse, cattle, beast, deer, ass or mule (per day)$6.00
For every sheep (per day)$2.00
For every pig or goat (per day)$12.00

Stock Movement Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stock MovementFee (incl GST)
Refundable Bond (costs or expenses covered by droving)$625.00
Construction of a cattle race on a road reserve - Application Fee$145.00
Installation of a road crossing for dairy cattle - Application Fee$145.00
Cattle Underpass - Refundable Bond (to ensure satisfactory completion of the work)$1,000.00

Stormwater Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Stormwater Network ConnectionFee (incl GST)
Application fee$360.00
Connection Costs (domestic, commercial, industrial)Fixed price quote to be provided by Council-approved contractor

Swimming Pools Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Swimming PoolsFee (incl GST)
Children (Up to 16 years)$3.00
Children (Under 4 years)Free
Students (With I.D.)$3.00
People with disabilities$2.00
Aquacise (public)$5.00
Aquacise (senior)$4.50
Family Day Pass (2 adults, 3 children)$12.00
Adult (10 Swim)$40.50
Child (10 Swim)$24.00
Senior (10 Swim)$24.00
Aquacise Pass (Public) (10 Swim)$45.00
Aquacise Pass (Senior) (10 Swim)$40.00
Pool Hire (non-exclusive, conditions apply)
Within Ōtorohanga (per hour)$36.00
Outside Ōtorohanga (per hour)$48.00
Lifeguard supervision (per hour)$30.00

Temporary Road Closure Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Temporary Road ClosureFee (incl GST)
Approved Community Events – Local Roads
Note: The Event is being organised by a non-commercial, not-for-profit organisation, is appropriate for all members of the Community to enjoy and have had event at least annually for 3 years, e.g. Fishing Contest, Christmas Parade, Kawhia Regatta, Kai Festival
Application FeeNo Charge
External AdvertisingActual Costs
Other Events – Sealed Roads
Note: Rallies, Hill Climbs, Car Testing, Cycle Races, etc - Each application considered on its merits
Application fee for administering the road closure$905.00
Plus Bond - Can be waived at the discretion of the Group Manager Engineering or designate$5,000.00
External AdvertisingActual Costs
Repairs (and repair work will be quoted and first deducted from the bond)Actual Costs
Other Events – Unsealed Roads
Note: Rallies, Hill Climbs, Car Testing, Cycle Races, etc - Each application considered on its merits
Application fee for administering road closure and damage assessment$905.00
Plus Bond - Can be waived at the discretion of the Group Manager Engineering or designate$5,000.00
External AdvertisingActual Costs
Repairs (and repair work will be quoted and first deducted from the bond)Actual Costs

Trade Waste Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Trade WasteFee (incl GST)
Trade Waste Bylaw
Application Fee (All Classes)$110.00
Controlled Consents (1 yearly fee)$148.00
Controlled Consents (3 yearly fee)$294.00
Inspection Fee - additional site visit per charge$100.00 per inspection
Conditional Consents (Set on application)Refer to Bylaw
Discharge of Septic Tank Waste
Domestic Septic Waste (Within District)$40.00 per m3
Domestic Septic Waste (Outside District)$108.00 per m3

Traffic Management Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Traffic ManagementFee (incl GST)
Traffic Management Plan
Traffic management plan simple$150.00
Traffic management plan complex (per hour)$150.00
Traffic management plan approval (maintenance/emergency works/approved community events)No charge
Overweight Permit
Overweight Permit - new 12 month permit$200.00
Overweight Permit - renewal 12 month permit$150.00

Water Connection Charges Fees and Charges approved for 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.

All fees and charges are inclusive of GST (except as noted *).

Rural Water SuppliesFee (incl GST)
Arohena Connection Fee
Note: (Kahorekau, Huirimu, Taupaki)
Capital ContributionSet on Application
Connection CostsActual Costs
Administration Fee$800.00
Ranginui Connection Fee
Capital Contribution Set on Application
Connection CostsActual Costs
Administration Fee$800.00
Tihiroa Connection Fee
Capital ContributionSet on Application
Connection CostsActual Costs
Administration Fee$800.00
Waipā Connection Fee
Capital ContributionSet on Application
Connection CostsActual Costs
Administration Fee$800.00
Special Meter Reading
Special Meter Reading Fee$80.00
Ōtorohanga CommunityFee (incl GST)
Within Ōtorohanga Community
Application Fee$360.00
Standard Domestic Connection (for 20 / 25mm service within 4.0m of the water main) if by ODC contractor$1,500.00
Special Meter Reading$80.00
All other connectionsFixed price quote to be provided by Council approved Contractor
Outside Ōtorohanga Community
Application Fee$360.00
Capital Contribution$1,595.00
Standard Domestic ConnectionFixed price quote to be provided by Council approved Contractor
Extraordinary Use
Note: Conditions apply
Right to withdraw from a fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 day)$100.00
Right to withdraw from a fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 month)$250.00
Right to withdraw from a fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 year)$2,500.00
Permit for taking water from fire hydrants$5.00 per m3
Kāwhia CommunityFee (incl GST)
Within Kāwhia Community
Application Fee$360.00
Standard Domestic Connection (for 20 / 25mm service within 4.0m of the water main and includes water meter for Kāwhia Peak Season Metered Water Charge)$1,500.00
Installation of Water Meter to existing connection for Kāwhia Peak Season Metered Water Charge$350.00
Administration FeeFixed price quote to be provided by Council approved Contractor All other connections
Outside Kāwhia Community
Application Fee$360.00
Capital Contribution$1,595.00
Administration FeeFixed price quote to be provided by Council approved Contractor All other connections
Extraordinary Use
Note: Conditions apply
Right to withdraw from fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 day)$100.00
Right to withdraw from fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 month)$250.00
Right to withdraw from fire hydrant - plus volumetric charge (1 year)$2,500.00
Permit for utilities taking water from fire hydrants$5.00 per m3
Other Water ChargesFee (incl GST)
Water disconnection/reconnection$500.00
On-site pipe or toby location (Further cost may be applied if excavation is required)$150.00
Water meter testing
Note: Fee payable in advance -refunded if meter found to be faulty
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