Keyword: #liquorlicensing

Liquor Licensing
Tuku Reihana Waipiro

If you're planning to sell or supply alcohol to the public within the Ōtorohanga District, you'll need to apply for a licence under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. Licence applications are processed through the Business Connect portal.
All applications for licences and managers' certificates are determined by the District Licensing Committee.

Licences to sell alcohol

The requirements for licences and manager’s certificates, and the criteria to be considered for granting them, are set out in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act and Regulations. More in-depth information on the provisions of the Act is available on the Ministry of Justice website

A licenced premises must be operated by a certified Duty Manager. They must hold the Licence Controllers Qualification (LCQ). More information regarding the LCQ can be obtained from the ServiceIQ website. This requirement applies to all venues, from a tavern to a one-off event.

Licences to sell alcohol are not transferable. If you take over or purchase a licenced premises, a new licence application must be made. You are able to apply for a Temporary Authority that will allow you to continue trading for a limited time while you apply for your own licence.

Special Licences for special events, such as funerals, are issued on a case-by-case basis. Contact Council to discuss your needs.

Licence applications are to be submitted and processed through the Business Connect portal. What is business connect?

District Licensing Committee

Ōtorohanga District Council has appointed a District Licensing Committee according to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. The Committee has Council authority to receive, process, investigate and determine all applications for licences and manager’s certificates within our area.

The Ōtorohanga District Licensing Inspector will work with the Police and the Medical Officer of Health to deal with reporting, monitoring and enforcing the requirements of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. 

View District Licensing Committee decisions.

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