Here for you
Our team is here to deliver what you, our community, needs now and into the future. Within the team, we have some people who have been in local government for many years, and we also have people who are brand new to the sector, bringing with them skills and expertise that transfer nicely into local government. This mix of old hands and new blood has us well positioned to be able to deliver for you.
Ōtorohanga District Council is such a diverse place to work, where every day is different, bringing with it new challenges and new opportunities. We really do think we are THE best small rural council in New Zealand!
Tanya Winter

Our organisation is led by our Chief Executive, Tanya Winter. Tanya directly manages the functions that work across the whole organisation, including people and capability and relationships with iwi/Māori.
Ross McNeil

Putting years of experience to best use, Ross supports the Chief Executive and other Leadership Team members and works across the organisation on things that matter to Council and our partners and communities. This includes helping set and deliver on organisation direction and priorities, positioning for the future, leading projects, managing risk and generally pitching in whenever and wherever needed.
Graham Bunn

AKA the engine room! This is the internally focused group tasked with delivering the functions that enable everything else to happen smoothly, including governance, finance, business improvement and IT.
Tony Quickfall

Helping our community to bring their dreams alive by guiding them through legislative, regulatory and compliance requirements for building control, resource management, alcohol and food licensing and animal control.
Mark Lewis

The headquarters of operations! The engineering department delivers critical infrastructural services to our community: roading, water, parks, playgrounds, sports fields, swimming pool, rubbish and recycling.
Nardia Gower

Our community connection! This is our externally focused group; with libraries, customer experience, Long Term Plan, community and economic development, communication and engagement.