Keyword: #developmentcontributions

Development and Financial Contributions
Whanaketanga me Ngā Takoha Pūtea

Developers of significant new developments and significant expansions of existing developments are required to contribute to the cost of upgrading of Council infrastructure. Here are the details.

New developments

Significant new developments (or substantial expansions of existing developments) may create additional pressure on Council services. For example, a new development is likely to increase the traffic on a particular road, potentially contributing to a need to improve that road, so that this larger volume of traffic can be safely accommodated. Similarly, a new development may contribute to an increased demand for water services which may require that these services are upgraded.

In response to these issues, Council has a policy for Development and Financial Contributions under the Local Government Act for planned or anticipated development. This system requires developers to contribute a share of the cost associated with potential necessary upgrading of Council infrastructure.

Development contributions do not apply to every development in the District, but are instead only put in place where a development at a particular location is likely to contribute to a need (in the relatively near future) for improvements to a particular aspect of Council's infrastructure.

For a list of development contributions refer to Policy on Development and Financial Contributions 

In addition and separate to development contributions, financial contributions (“reserve contributions”) may also be taken under the Resource Management Act for unplanned development. These are set out in the District Plan and are set at $1012 (incl. GST) for each additional lot created.

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