Going beyond price and quality
We work together with other local Councils to include ‘broader outcomes’ in our decisions to purchase or contract for goods and services. These ‘outcomes’ go beyond price and quality.
At the core of this strategy is a collaborative approach, drawing on the experience and passion of our people. We recognise that to achieve sustainable outcomes our framework needs to provide a standardised approach, accessible collateral, and ease of application.
This work supports the Councils’ objectives and aligns with government initiatives for wider social, economic, cultural, and environmental outcomes when contracting for goods, services and works.
Our focus areas for progressive procurement
- Social Wellbeing - providing equal opportunity so prosperity is shared across our community.
- Cultural Wellbeing - genuinely partner with Mana Whenua
- Economic Wellbeing - building a diverse and prosperous economy
- Environmental Wellbeing - preventing and reversing environmental degradation