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DORA (Digital On Road Access) on tour in Ōtorohanga

Arriving Monday 26th August to Friday 6th September with a new location everyday, no booking is needed. Just drop in and the team will give you whatever help you need in using your digital devices.

DORA (Digital On Road Access) on tour in Ōtorohanga

   Added 2 weeks ago

Media Release

12 August 2024

Unique online health support for Ōtorohanga District

For two weeks from Monday 26 August, DORA Te Waka Matihiko Hauora, a mobile learning centre, will be in the Ōtorohanga District helping people join the growing numbers who are benefitting from having online access to their health records.  DORA will visit Ōtorohanga as well as Kāwhia, Ōpārau and the Tokanui Crossroads Hall, promoting the benefits of online access to health information, and helping people use their digital tech such as smartphones or tablets.

Medical practices throughout the wider Waikato region now offer an online health portal, with most using the Manage My Health or My Indici 2.0 platforms. These online portals give patients access to their health records such as blood test results and enable them to order repeat prescriptions as well as book appointments with their GPs.

Online health services are available to anyone with a smartphone, tablet or computer and internet connection. However, it is up to individual medical practices to determine the scope of services that they can provide, so while the trainers on DORA explain what is possible, everyone is encouraged to check what their own GPs offer when they sign up.

Pinnacle Midlands Health Network clinical director Dr Jo Scott-Jones said the surge of online health information, including access to our own medical records, highlights the critical need for digital health literacy.  “Like many industries, health is adopting technology to make the flow of information easier, but we don’t want to leave people behind. This is a great opportunity for people in Ōtorohanga District to get help accessing their health information online, and it’s commendable to see so many general practices supporting this work.”

DORA’s visit is being supported by the Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa and Ōtorohanga District Council; local library staff will be providing the training on DORA.  No booking is needed.  Just drop in and the team will give you whatever help you need in using your digital devices.

The Operations Director for the Digital Inclusion Alliance, Laurence Zwimpfer, said how pleased he was to have the support of Heather and her team at the library.  “We understand how important it is for everyone to have ongoing help with their digital technologies whenever they need it.  So, for those who miss DORA’s brief visit, it is good to know that there are local people who can help.”


DORA’s Waikato itinerary:

Location and Date

Monday 26 August

Countdown, Ōtorohanga 10am – 12pm

Village Green, Ōtorohanga 12.30 – 4pm

Tuesday 27 August Ōpārau Roadhouse 10am – 4pm        
Wednesday 28 August Tokanui Hall, Te Kawa Crossroads 10am – 4pm
Thurursday 29 August Kāwhia Medical Centre
Friday 30 August

Village Green, Ōtorohanga 10am – 12 pm

Countdown, Ōtorohanga 12.30pm – 4pm

Mon 2 September – Fri 6 September Village Green, Ōtorohanga 10am – 4pm




About DORA

DORA (Digital On-Road Access) is a 38-year-old bus, converted to a digital classroom in 2012. Suitable for around 8 adults, DORA can travel anywhere in New Zealand. All the equipment is powered by a fully self-contained solar electrical system and the on-board computers have multiple different ways of connecting to the internet, including satellite. DORA is supported by the Lottery Grants Board, Spark NZ, Digital Wings and other business partners.

About Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa

The Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa was established in 2018 to foster socially inclusive communities where everyone has equitable opportunities to meaningfully engage with digital technologies, and benefit from the use of them. We aim to enhance the confidence and capability of people living in New Zealand to engage online to advance their own education, employment, health and wellbeing as well as that of their whānau. The Alliance acts as a catalyst for digital inclusion initiatives, by working with local communities, not-for-profit organisations, business enterprises and government agencies to pursue a shared digital inclusion vision. Any organisation or individual working to achieve a more digitally included community is welcome to become a partner of the Alliance.


For further information, contact

Laurence Zwimpfer, Digital Inclusion Alliance Aotearoa, 027 430 6737 [email protected]

Heather Taylor, Library Manager, Ōtorohanga District Council, 07 873 7175 [email protected]


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