The Thirsty Weta On Licence Application
ASR Hospitality Limited has made application to the Ōtorohanga District Licensing Committee at Ōtorohanga District Council for an on licence in respect of the premises situated at 57 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga known as The Thirsty Weta Bar and Eatery.
Added 3 weeks agoRead more

PROPOSAL to Close Roads - Ōtorohanga and Kāwhia ANZAC Commemorations
Ōtorohanga District Council proposal to close roads on 25 April 2025 for the ANZAC Commemorations.
Added a month agoRead more

The Thirsty Weta Bar and Eatery Licence Application
Shri Ganesh Shiv Sai Limited has made application to the Ōtorohanga District Licensing Committee at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga for the grant of a renewal of the On Licence in respect of the premises situated at 57 Maniapoto Street Ōtorohanga, known as The Thirsty Weta Bar and Eatery.
Added 5 months agoRead more

Pungent Pukeko Off Licence Application - remote seller's endorsement
Jack Walters as the Owner / Distiller trading as Pungent Pukeko at 189 Kāwhia Road, RD 3, Ōtorohanga, 3973 has made application to the Ōtorohanga District Licensing Committee for the grant of an off-licence (remote seller's endorsement), in respect of the premises situated at 189 Kāwhia Road, RD 3, Ōtorohanga, 3973, known as Pungent Pukeko.
Added 5 months agoRead more

Thirsty Liquor Off Licence Application
JKD 2024 Limited has made application to the Otorohanga District Licensing Committee at 17 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga for the grant of an Off Licence in respect of the premises situated at 144 Maniapoto Street Otorohanga, known as Thirsty Liquor.
Added 5 months agoRead more

Confirmed Decision to Close Road - Targa NZ 2024 Rally - 25th and 26th October 2024
Council confirms decision to temporarily close the following roads to enable Targa NZ to hold a tarmac rally on Friday 25th and Saturday 26th October 2024.
Added 5 months agoRead more

Road Maintenance to Begin on Ngutunui Road - October 2024
Ngutunui Road repairs begin this week, October 7th, with 12-week road closures from 7am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Added 5 months agoRead more

Ōtorohanga Bowls, Croquet and Recreation Club renewal of Club Licence
ŌTOROHANGA BOWLS, CROQUET AND RECREATION CLUB INCORPORATED has made application to the Ōtorohanga District Licensing Committee at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga for the renewal of a Club Licence in respect of the premises situated at 52 Te Kawa Street Ōtorohanga, known as Ōtorohanga Bowls, Croquet and Recreation Club.
Added 8 months agoRead more
Ōtorohanga Club renewal of Club Licence
ŌTOROHANGA CLUB INCORPORATED has made application to the Ōtorohanga District Licensing Committee at 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga for the renewal of a Club Licence in respect of the premises situated at 107 Maniapoto Street, known as Ōtorohanga Club.
Added 8 months agoRead more
Easter Weekend Hours
Find out what council services are closed or open over the Easter weekend.
Added 12 months agoRead more
Improvement Plan - result of the 2022 Annual Residents Survey
We have now created an improvement plan, based on the feedback given to us in the Annual Residents Survey
Closed Friday 15 September 2023Read more
Kings Coronation Tree Planting Ceremony
Kings Coronation Tree Planting Ceremony
Added 2 years agoRead more
We're moving back in!
The important work on our office building is completed.
Added 2 years agoRead more
Ōtorohanga Town Concept Plan – tell us what you think the future should look like
We’re creating a plan for the future of Ōtorohanga Town and we need to hear what you think the future looks like!
Added 3 years agoRead more
Establishment of a Māori ward for Ōtorohanga District given the green light by Council
At the 20 April meeting of the Ōtorohanga District Council a resolution was made to establish a Māori Ward for the 2022 triennial election.
Added 4 years agoRead more
Buzzy Bee getting a revamp at the Menzshed
Our iconic Buzzy Bee is currently getting a much needed refurbishment from the team at the Menzshed, Ōtorohanga, ahead of the upcoming Long Term Plan 2021 – 2031 drop-in sessions.
Added 4 years agoRead more
Countdown Otorohanga renewal of its off-licence
GENERAL DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, a duly incorporated company having its registered office at 80 Favona Road, Auckland has made application to the District Licensing Committee at Otorohanga District Council for the renewal of its off-licence in respect of the premises situated at 123 Maniapoto Street, Otorohanga, known as Countdown Otorohanga.
Added 4 years agoRead more
Ōtorohanga District waste audit
We are carrying out a yellow bag waste audit to identify what we as a District are sending to landfill.
Added 5 years agoRead more
New building consent exemptions are almost here
From 31 August 2020, some building projects will no longer need building consents
Added 5 years agoRead more
Watermain upgrade construction works - Mountain View Road
Works will start on 22 May and is expected to be completed within a 16-weeks. Work will start at the Mountain View Rd/ Kakamutu Road intersection, progressing along Mountain View Road finishing at Gradara Avenue.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Raahui lifted on Waikato and Waipaa rivers
The raahui was put in place to allow the wellbeing and spirit of the rivers and waterways to regenerate and rejuvenate. Now everyone can return to using our awa.
Added 5 years agoRead more
WWEOC to join forces with South Waikato and Taupō
Western Waikato Emergency Operating Centre (WWEOC) is joining forces with two other Waikato EOCs to provide a combined civil defence response when the country moves into Alert Level 2.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Rahui on the Waikato and Waipa Rivers
The raahui will remain in place until the safety of river users is ensured.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Kio Kio United Rugby Football Club Incorporated renewal of conditions of a Club Licence
Kio Kio United Rugby Football Club Incorporated has made application to the District Licencing Committee at Ōtorohanga for the renewal of conditions of a Club Licence in respect of the premises situated at 135 Paewhenua Road, Ōtorohanga known as Kio Kio United Sports Club.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Otewa Road improvements
Inframax Construction will soon be starting minor safety improvement work and traffic calming measures around Otewa School
Added 5 years agoRead more
Raglan Road Traction Sealing
We are commitment to improving the safety of local roads and reducing maintenance costs will soon see parts of Raglan Road sealed.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Healthy homes for kiwis
The NZ Green Building Council is a not for profit with a vision of healthy warm homes for New Zealanders. Working with the sector a free online tool was created where Kiwis can check if their house is healthy and warm.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Change of classification of reserve
Objections, with reasons, to the change of classification must be received by Friday 13 December 2019.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Wharepuhunga Road rehabilitation
Work will soon be underway to improve the safety of Wharepuhunga Road with just over 1km of the road scheduled to be fixed in the coming months.
Added 5 years agoRead more
Proposed Amendment of Traffic Bylaw 2005
We want to amend our Traffic Bylaw 2005 to improve the safety of those residents on Old Te Kuiti Road who have very limited sight distance when exiting and entering their driveways.
Added 6 years agoRead more
Candlelight vigil - Mayor's speech
A candlelight vigil was held on Sunday 17 March at the Village Green
Added 6 years agoRead more
Stopbank pathway - starting soon
On Tuesday 5th March, work will begin on the construction of the stopbank pathway
Added 6 years agoRead more
Oparau and Districts Club renewal and variation of the operating hours and designation of a club licence
Oparau Community and District Club Incorporated 33 Rotoiti Road Oparau has made application to the Otorohanga District Licensing Committee for the renewal and variation of the operating hours and designation of a club licence in respect of the 33 Rotoiti Road Oparau known as Oparau and Districts Club
Added 6 years agoRead more
Proposed Revision of Road Improvement Program
Council is proposing to revise the form of its road improvement program
Closed Monday 6 March 2023Read more
Oparau Roadhouse renewal of an on-licence
WB & BJ Rogers Limited 4370 State Highway 31 Oparau has made application to the Otorohanga District Licensing Committee for the renewal of an on-licence in respect of the 4370 State Highway 31 Oparau known as Oparau Roadhouse
Added 6 years agoRead more