Keyword: #procuremenths

Supplier Health and Safety

Health and safety is very important to us at Ōtorohanga District Council. Depending on the work you're doing for us, we may ask you to go through a pre-qualification process. It's pretty standard - but it's also important.

Effective health and safety management systems

At Ōtorohanga District Council, we strive to maintain workplace safety and we take this responsibility seriously. To help us meet our obligations under Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 we use a pre-qualification process for suppliers for physical works.

With the use of this system, we are better able to uphold our obligations to guarantee that contractors providing services or operating on Council property or for the Council have effective health and safety management systems in place to protect both people and the environment and prevent property damage.

Our approved Health & Safety supplier pre-qualification is the SHE PreQual.

The type of suppliers and contractors that need to be pre-qualified include (but are not limited to) those who will be attending, monitoring or working on construction projects, or involved in providing security and cleaning services.

Suppliers must already hold pre-qualification accreditation or be working towards it in order to participate in projects and tenders involving this kind of work.

We also have a supplier code of conduct that sets expectations for our suppliers.

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