Working with Us
We spend millions of dollars each year providing infrastructure, facilities, and services to the Ōtorohanga District.
We choose suppliers to support these goals using one of the following methods:
- a competitive tender process
- a preferred supplier process
- quotation process
We use GETS, the New Zealand Government Electronic Tenders Service for most Council projects. GETS is a free service designed to promote open and fair competition. Using an online portal also speeds up the tendering cycle and reduces the time and cost for us and our suppliers.
To use GETS, suppliers must register online using a RealMe (Government online identification) log in. Registration for RealMe is free and can be used to access several protected Government sites, such as IRD.
If you need any help with GETS, you can contact their helpdesk:
- 0508 GETS HELP (0508 438 743)
- email [email protected]
As a registered supplier on GETS, you can receive email notifications of any new tenders we publish. When you identify a project you want to tender for, read the information carefully. The tender documents will provide all the information you need about the contract and how to respond. If you have questions about a particular project or just need something clarified, you can do this through the GETS listing.
Make sure you understand the timetable of the tender and submit your bid before the closing date and time - do not be late!
What happens next?
Once tenders are received, we will:
- Evaluate the responses using the method described in the tender documents, which may include presentations or site visits if required
- Award a contract and inform the successful and unsuccessful participants of the outcome
- Manage the contract, measuring performance against the agreed contract terms throughout the project.
If you have questions about a particular project available for tender, please use the question facility on the GETS listing.