Keyword: #cemeterysearch

Cemeteries Search
Rapu Urupā Tūmatanui

Use this search to find a grave including the deceased's details, interment details, headstone / memorial details and location information.

Help using our cemetery search

Our my cemetery search starts searching once you have stopped typing and typed at least 3 characters. It will come back with the closest matches. This search is limited to 25 results so just keep typing to refine your search more or change your searching option.

There are four different ways to search:

  • Family Name (e.g. smith)
  • Given Names (e.g. harry)
  • Full Name (given name + family name e.g. harry smith)
  • Interment Date (dd-mm-yyyy e.g. 12-09-1983)

If the family name comes back with a lot of records try using the "Full Name" search so you can enter the first name and last name or just first initial and then the last name. Some examples below if you where looking for harry smith:

  • h smith (you will get any smith that has a first name starting with h)
  • ha smith (you will get any smith that has a first name starting with ha)
  • harry smith (you will get any smith that has a first name of harry)

Once you find the cemetery record that you are looking for you can select it and the page will load with all the publicly available digital information that we have.

If you have any issues with this search or questions about the information then please contact council.

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