Keyword: #temproadclosures

PROPOSAL to Close Roads - Ngutunui Sealed Rally Hill Climb

Ōtorohanga District Council proposal to close roads on 4 May 2025 for the Ngutunui Sealed Rally Hill Climb, on Pekanui and Scott Roads.

PROPOSAL to Close Roads - Ngutunui Sealed Rally Hill Climb

   Added a month ago

In accordance with the Tenth Schedule of the Local Government Act 1974, notice is hereby given that the Ōtorohanga District Council, for the purpose of holding the Ngutunui Sealed Rally Hill Climb, proposes to close the following road to ordinary vehicular traffic for the period indicated hereunder: 


  •  Pekanui Road - form Ngutuniui Road to Okupata Road  
  • Scott Road 

 Period of Closures: 7.30 am to 4.00 pm 

There will not be a detour in place. 

 Access for emergency vehicles will be allowed in the event of an emergency. 

 Pursuant to the Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure) Regulations 1965, any person objecting to the proposal is called upon to lodge notice of their objection and grounds thereof in writing before 5.00pm Thursday 27 February 2025 at the offices of the Otorohanga District Council, 17 Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga. 

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