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Request for tender - reseals

All our tenders can be found on and you can find this one with the reference 30204175.

Tender Open Date: 2.00pm Thursday 26 September 2024
Tender Closing Date: 2.00pm Thursday 17 October 2024
Tender award to be published on GETS only -

For further information, contact our Contract Manager to Robbie Whiteman [email protected]

Request for tender - reseals

   Added yesterday

All our tenders can be found on and you can find this one with the reference 30204175.

Tender Open Date: 2.00pm Thursday 26 September 2024
Tender Closing Date: 2.00pm Thursday 17 October 2024
Tender award to be published on GETS only -

For further information, contact our Contract Manager to Robbie Whiteman [email protected]

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