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Managing the spring growth

Spring has sprung, and our contractors are working very hard to keep up with the lush green grass!
While we are happy to see the sun shining, the rain falling and all this new growth - at times the grass can get away on us. We are doing our best to stay on top of the mowing, but the wet spring weather can delay our work programme.

Managing the spring growth

   Added 3 months ago

Spring has sprung, and our contractors are working very hard to keep up with the lush green grass!
While we are happy to see the sun shining, the rain falling and all this new growth - at times the grass can get away on us. We are doing our best to stay on top of the mowing, but the wet spring weather can delay our work programme.
We are currently working on a new webpage which will have information about our public spaces maintenance contracts, including maps of the areas we look after. Once we have this page finalised, we will put it up on our council website and promote it on our social media pages.
In the meantime - if you have anything to report to us - download our free Antenno App. This app allows you to take photos and lodge a service request with us right from your mobile phone -
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