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Our Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034 - now open for public feedback

“Kia Mau Tātou Ki Te Ara – Steady as she goes” represents the sentiment behind Ōtorohanga District Council’s considerable planning efforts, as we strive to navigate the economic challenges facing us all and prioritise the needs of our communities in our proposed Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024 – 2034.

Our Long Term Plan 2024 - 2034 - now open for public feedback

   Added 12 months ago

“Kia Mau Tātou Ki Te Ara – Steady as she goes” represents the sentiment behind Ōtorohanga District Council’s considerable planning efforts, as we strive to navigate the economic challenges facing us all and prioritise the needs of our communities in our proposed Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024 – 2034.

Extensive community engagement was undertaken in 2023, and the feedback from our communities has played a vital part in informing our LTP development. In addition, 18 Elected Member workshops were held in order to develop the Council’s direction, strategies, policies, priorities, and key projects.

“Your kōrero has provided us with some clarity about how to prioritise our spending over the next ten years” states Mayor Max Baxter

"Crafting this Long Term Plan has been a challenging journey” continues Mayor Max “acknowledging the struggle of our community in confronting the issue of rising costs, we've grappled with uncertainties surrounding critical decisions, including the status of Three Waters, government policy shifts, and the unpredictable impact of changing weather patterns."

Despite these challenges, Ōtorohanga District Council’s leadership, including the Mayor, Councillors and Community Board Members, have remained steadfast in their commitment to listening to our communities.

“Our people have expressed appreciation in Council’s efforts over the past years and voiced a desire for continuing on this path, emphasising the importance of remaining connected to the community, delivering essential services effectively, and preparing for the future.”

"The resounding message from our residents has been clear - maintain the current path, prioritise community connection, and focus on the fundamentals – our people, our places and our partnerships.”

When Council started considering costs in October 2023, the overall rates requirement started at 18% - this 18% was not to do anything new – instead this figure was simply to keep pace with increased costs.

However, since then Council has worked hard to find ways to do things differently, ensuring that we continue with our forward momentum, but keep rates increases as low as possible. Even so, we are still proposing a 9.96% overall rates increase for next year.

Council is committed to a transparent and collaborative process in shaping the future of our district. Next week Council will meet to approve the draft policies, strategies and documents that will make up our proposed Long Term Plan for consultation. We will then be asking our communities for feedback on what we have proposed from 5 April to 6 May 2024.

You can have your say online, drop in to one of our sites to get a submission form or attend one of our whānau/family friendly open days as outlined below -

SAT 13 APRIL | Ōtorohanga Village Green, Maniapoto Street, Ōtorohanga | 11am-2pm

THU 18 APRIL | Arohena Hall, 18 Pukewhau Road, Wharepapa South | 10.30am-12.30pm

SAT 20 APRIL | Kāwhia Hall, 141 Jervois St, Kāwhia | 11am-2pm

 For further information on our Long Term Plan 2024 – 2034 process, head to

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