Added 5 years ago
Works will start on 22 May and is expected to be completed within 16-weeks. Work will start at the Mountain View Rd/ Kakamutu Road intersection, progressing along Mountain View Road finishing at Gradara Avenue.
Work will be completed predominately by Open cut methods of installation along the Berm and Carriageway of Mountain View Road. Temporary Traffic Management will be in place for the duration of the work, including manual Go/Stop operations at various stages of the project.
The Construction team will work with residents to accommodate daily movements in and out of properties. The On-site Supervisor will personally advise residents if and when access will be limited to properties while work is being undertaken past the entranceway.
Contractors, Allens United Drainage & Earthworks Ltd will be completing this project on behalf of the Ōtorohanga District Council.
All measures will be taken to minimise the disruption to residents during construction and we apologize for any inconvenience in advance.
A further notice will be delivered to properties prior to any planned water shutdowns if your property is to be effected in commissioning the new pipelines.
For questions or concerns about on-site construction matters, please contact:
Janine Sturgeon – Contract Liaison
Allens United Drainage & Earthworks Ltd
07 957 9136 / 0274388937
Abdul Majeed Baloch – Project Manager
Ōtorohanga District Council
07 8734000
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