Added 7 months ago
Ōtorohanga Roading Maintenance – Ngutunui Road
Situated within the Ōtorohanga District Kāwhia-Tihiroa Ward, a stretch of road near the Ngutunui road, under the care of Ōtorohanga District Council that has raised concern with motorists and locals around its condition.
We acknowledge the concerns raised about the condition of Ngutunui Road and the recent incidents reported by the Emergency Services. Council is aware of the challenges and risks associated with this stretch of road. In the interim, a temporary 50 km/h speed limit has been implemented for safety and we strongly urge motorists to adhere to this speed limit and exercise additional caution during weather conditions. We have recently installed more road safety signs alerting motorists to slow down. This measure is critical in preventing further incidents and ensuring the safety of all road users.
We have scheduled permanent repairs due to begin in the last few months of 2024, weather permitting, as addressing the road condition during winter or wet periods would result in additional costs and ineffective repairs of up to $560,000 per repair.
We understand the urgency expressed by the community and the concerns of local authorities, such as Traffic Sergeant Warren Shaw of Te Awamutu and emergency services. We are committed to making the necessary improvements and appreciate the community’s cooperation and patience during this period.
For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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