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Proposed Amendment of Traffic Bylaw 2005

We want to amend our Traffic Bylaw 2005 to improve the safety of those residents on Old Te Kuiti Road who have very limited sight distance when exiting and entering their driveways.

   Added 6 years ago

Old Te Kuiti Road Speed Reduction

An ongoing safety concern has been raised regarding the sight distance for some residents exiting and entering their driveways on a section of Old Te Kuiti Road. The driveways are situated on the brow of a hill and the road is also on a curve. The current minimum sight distance of 170m in a 100km per hour speed zone is defined in the District Plan, furthermore a spacing between entrances of 200m is also required.

Ōtorohanga District Council wishes to amend its Traffic Bylaw 2005 to improve the safety of those residents on Old Te Kuiti Road who have very limited sight distance when exiting and entering their driveways.

The proposed amendment to the Traffic Bylaw 2005 will extend the 70km per hour speed limit by another 815m south along old Te Kuiti Road.

A more detailed Statement of Proposal, including a copy of the proposed amended Bylaw and associated information, is available here

Submissions in respect of the making of the proposed amended Bylaw must be made in writing.

Submissions can be made from 24 September 2019 and must be received by Council by 9am on Friday
25 October 2019. Persons who wish to speak to their submission should state this on their submission, and will be given the opportunity to be heard by Council at its November 2019 meeting yet to be confirmed.

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