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Ōtorohanga Multipurpose Community Hub feasibility study

Ōtorohanga District Council is pleased to announce the completion of a thorough exploring the possibility of a Multipurpose Community Hub in Ōtorohanga.

Ōtorohanga Multipurpose Community Hub feasibility study

   Added 11 months ago

Ōtorohanga District Council is pleased to announce the completion of a thorough feasibility study aimed at exploring the possibility of a Multipurpose Community Hub in Ōtorohanga. Through a series of co-design workshops, stakeholder hui/meetings and public consultation, the study identified the needs and aspirations of the Ōtorohanga community around the desire for shared community space.

Acknowledging this desire, the study explored three distinct options:

Option One: Status quo with minor enhancements to existing facilities and improved shared information.
Option Two: Establishment of a network of community hubs, leveraging and expanding upon existing community facilities to create specialised spaces, including a Library, Culture, Arts & Connection Hub, a Community Services Hub, and a Civic Hub.
Option Three: Construction of a new, centralised Multipurpose Community Hub to address various community needs under one roof.

Following extensive community engagement, Option Two - a network of community hubs, emerged as the preferred choice. This collaborative approach utilises existing facilities, namely the Ōtorohanga Library, Ōtorohanga Support House Whare Āwhina, and Ōtorohanga Club, to establish a cohesive network of hubs supporting the Ōtorohanga community.

The Multipurpose Community Hub will prioritise accessibility, inclusivity, and futureproofing, aiming to elevate cultural narratives and uplift community pride. It will serve as a hub for social services, community gatherings, learning, and artistic endeavours.

The estimated cost to transform these existing hubs into a Multipurpose Community Hub is approximately $5,346,501. While funding for the project may face constraints due to economic pressures, opportunities for support from central and regional government sources, as well as community funding organisations, will be explored.

Ōtorohanga District Council views this project as a significant milestone in addressing community needs and strengthening community ties within Ōtorohanga.

A report outlining the feasibility study and its proposed outcomes was received today at the 23 April 2024 Council meeting. Council acknowledged the quality of work undertaken by our consulting partner Veros and the comprehensive approach taken to the study.

"We have heard from our partners, stakeholders and the community that better inside places and spaces are required for people and groups to recreate, connect and receive support, and building on what we already have to achieve this is a win-win for the whole community." said Mayor Max Baxter

"Today's decision by the Council enables the next step to be taken, including working with project partners on refining the proposal, developing detailed costings and securing external funding opportunities to make the delivery of this project affordable for our community. No decisions will be made on proceeding further with the project until this work has been done."

More information about this project is available here -

For further enquiries please contact Ross McNeil, Chief Advisor on 0800 734 000.

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